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Section: New Results

Memory Abstraction

Abstraction of arrays based on non contiguous partitions

Participants : Jiangchao Liu, Xavier Rival [correspondant] .

In [15], we studied the verification of components of embedded programs that utilize arrays to store dynamically chained data-structures. Furthermore, this work constitutes a significant part of Jiangchao Liu's PhD Thesis ([10]).

User-space programs rely on memory allocation primitives when they need to construct dynamic structures such as lists or trees. However, low-level OS kernel services and embedded device drivers typically avoid resorting to an external memory allocator in such cases, and store structure elements in contiguous arrays instead. This programming pattern leads to very complex code, based on data-structures that can be viewed and accessed either as arrays or as chained dynamic structures. The code correctness then depends on intricate invariants mixing both aspects. We propose a static analysis that is able to verify such programs. It relies on the combination of abstractions of the allocator array and of the dynamic structures built inside it. This approach allows to integrate program reasoning steps inherent in the array and in the chained structure into a single abstract interpretation. We report on the successful verification of several embedded OS kernel services and drivers.

Semantic-Directed Clumping of Disjunctive Abstract States

Participants : Huisong Li, Francois Berenger, Bor-Yuh Evan Chang, Xavier Rival [correspondant] .

In  [29], we studied the semantic directed clumping of disjunctive abstract states. Furthermore, this work constitutes a significant part of Huisong Li's PhD Thesis ([9]).

To infer complex structural invariants, Shape analyses rely on expressive families of logical properties. Many such analyses manipulate abstract memory states that consist of separating conjunctions of basic predicates describing atomic blocks or summaries. Moreover, they use finite disjunctions of abstract memory states in order to account for dissimilar shapes. Disjunctions should be kept small for the sake of scalability, though precision often requires to keep additional case splits. In this context, deciding when and how to merge case splits and to replace them with summaries is critical both for the precision and for the efficiency. Existing techniques use sets of syntactic rules, which are tedious to design and prone to failure. In this paper, we design a semantic criterion to clump abstract states based on their silhouette which applies not only to the conservative union of disjuncts, but also to the weakening of separating conjunction of memory predicates into inductive summaries. Our approach allows to define union and widening operators that aim at preserving the case splits that are required for the analysis to succeed. We implement this approach in the MemCAD analyzer, and evaluate it on real-world C codes from existing libraries, including programs dealing with doubly linked lists, red-black trees and AVL-trees.